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GholamReza Keshavarz Haddad

Associate Professor

Graduate School of Management and Economics

Short Bio

GholamReza Keshavarz Haddad, Associate Professor at Graduate School of Management and Economics (GSME), Sharif University of Technology (SUT) since 2000. Haddad earned his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Tehran, School of Economics. He was a senior researcher at the Institute for Trade Studies and Research (ITSR), Iran during 1999-2003. GholamReza’s research interests are Applied Financial Econometric modeling and Applied Labor Economics, and teaches Microeconomics, Microeconometrics, Financial Econometrics and Labor Economics. He has authored three books and 38 empirical journal publications of which, 6 publications are in the internationally indexed journals.
Professional Associations
  • Membership of the Economic Research Forum of Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey (ERF), since 2011.
  • Membership of the International Iranian Economic Association, since 2011.
  • Editorial board member, Faslnaameh Pajooheshhay-e Eghtesad-e Iran
  • Editorial board member, Faslnaameh Eghtesad-e Energy
Editorial Refereeing
  • Journal of Development Studies
  • Journal of Economic Studies
  • Tahghighat-e Eghtesadi
  • Faslnaameh Pajooheshhay-e Eghtesad-e Iran
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