Javad Abedini
2012, Heterogeneity of Trade Pattern in High-Tech Goods across Established and Emerging Exporters: A Panel Data Analysis, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Accepted.
2012, Estimating Trade Effects and Potentials of ECO for Member States in Non-Oil Industries, with Iman Mesgari, Journal of Economic Modeling Research
(in Persian), Accepted.2009, The emergence of Iran in the world car industry: an estimation of its export potential, with Nicolas PERIDY, The World Economy, 32 (5): 790-818.
2008, The Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA): an estimation of the trade effects, with Nicolas PERIDY, Journal of Economic Integration, 23 (4): 848-872.
2008, The Growing Influence of Emerging Countries in the World Car Industry: An Estimation of Export Potentials in a World Trade Model, with Nicolas PERIDY, Global Economy Journal, 8 (3): 1-29.